Number of crackmes:
Number of solutions:
Name | Author | Language | Arch | Difficulty | Quality | Platform | Date | Solution | Comments |
without fantasy | sporta778 | C/C++ | x86-64 | 3.5 | 5.0 | Windows | 2:56 PM 01/18/2025 | 0 | 8 |
Bobby | sporta778 | C/C++ | x86-64 | 2.5 | 5.3 | Windows | 10:52 AM 03/06/2024 | 1 | 21 |
Crackme | Infos |
The Juggler (Rust + C + asm) | solution |
Virtualization (20 kb crackme) | solution |
simple vm | solution |
CrackMeBaby By Igr0t | solution |
VENIX_VM | solution and devirtualizer. |
Fort Knox | Solution for Fort Knox crackme |
Obfuscation of C (7 kb crackme) | Solution |
VM_Madness | Solution for VM_Madness |
VMAdventures 2 | Solution for VMAdventures 2 |
Easy Password Reverse 2 | Easy Password Reverse 2 by Clyax |
pavler4VM | solution for pavler4VM |
virtual.1 (Win) | Just soultion for virtual.1 crackme. |
aname crackme | Solution for crackme aname. |
messy crackme | Solution for messy crackme by aname |
Comment | Link |
ehhh, i am stupid, here a lot passwords... this is not that i wanted((( | ==> |
u can make .bat file with 0x103b arguments and it will type yes, | ==> |
Need some intellectual person, how xor 0x38 0x19 to receive in eaz 0xa | ==> |
maybe this is bad tip , but that :"Password is too long". | ==> |
survivalizeed, and again if you a look at these crackmes with VM, they have common thing, like a cycle of dispatch command. This is look like to reasearch bicycle , but i think it can be real made yourself "universal" devirtualizer. "universal" becouse he will be specified for crackmes, and again becouse these crackme have enough easy and similar to each other strucutre. And againg they have own cycle,RAM,ROM. It just look like fantasy but nevertheless. | ==> |
I writed solution, this state is waiting approval. Will look, will be it approved or not. | ==> |
again hardcore)))) | ==> |
Hehe i found password, more precisely place where occur comparing with password, but now this crackme work under debugger... What is going on. I remebmer this application freezes under debugger, strange....Maybe i do not understand something. BTW i found method of printing to console;) | ==> |
Ничего там нет путанного, и никакой не путанный код. На оценку 6.0 это конечно не тянет. I will write solution | ==> |
даю подсказку , длина пароля 6. | ==> |
задом наперед от исходной проверки, где выбирается правильный ли пароль или нет. | ==> |
когда вы получите строку gets, дальше в дебаггере ищите строки (поиск ссылок) , типа wrong password или true password(не помню уже), и там надо задам наперед изучать все эти функции, .. я все пытаюсь себе замотивировать, что - то не получается... Работайте упорнее))) | ==> |
ну потому что программа каждый раз распаковывается | ==> |
я подсказку могу дать, я так до конца и не разобрался... там у него используется исдебаггерпресент , 3 раза, потом фгетс вроде, и в этом месте программа распакована, а дальше там ковырятся надо, там какие то проверки. Причем брейкопоинт на исдебаггерпресент надо ставить на место в системной библиотеке, иначе дебаггер завершает работу . | ==> |
о русские...;) | ==> |
by the way, my solution posted;) | ==> |
Platform for this crackme windows. you need not have linux. | ==> |
Rules of this site offer that you do not should patch program. | ==> |
enough easy | ==> |
ahh , it is correct in my home computer it is work correct, maybe it is have some problem with windows defender | ==> |
again just memcmp... | ==> |
Are you sure* | ==> |
You are sure that this crackme is work? Just this is terminate yourself... | ==> |
yes, nice picture.. | ==> |
difficulty look like 1.0 | ==> |
*uploaded. | ==> |
I do not know , Kaspersy do not find any. I upload solution. | ==> |
About difficulty, here no presents score 0.5... | ==> |
i upload now solution. | ==> |
i will better write some more easey solution, i sawed here presents inside more calls later survilized...))) but structurce same)) | ==> |
i have some ambitions, but look like this is do not according to some things | ==> |
sorry survivalizeed , here present crackme he threw me off track, these cool guys said cool things on forums... | ==> |
I'll think about it. Here need some intellectual person;) This strange thing , when i set breakpoint to AddVectoredExceptionHandler and restart crackme, aplication just flash at EntryPoint and terminated. And yet here present some TLS code, but this seems this is not accroding to things writed in articles... | ==> |
ehh sorry i am confused, here system dll | ==> |
mov eax,dword ptr ds:[r13+50] and again r13 = gs:[60] , checking second bit. Here some specific knowledge. | | ==> |
test dword ptr ds:[r13+BC],800000 what is it? r13 = gs:[60], in article writed (pNtGlobalFlag & 0x70)(peb+0xbc) for detecting debugger. | ==> |
gs:[60] it is can be readead in articles, but what is it gs:[30] ? | ==> |
it is have some VEH , and also i have seen gs:[30] , i learned PEB , but what is this i do not know, here need some learn articles.... | ==> |
sorry begin codes of function... | ==> |
UAWAVAUA | ==> |
this is address of function ;)) | ==> |
show off on flat place...;)) | ==> |
if possible? I am already scared... | ==> |
i do not know, but definitely this crackme do not like debugger... | ==> |
and it was 3 may... do not angry to me.... | ==> |
ok. | ==> |
i send solution... | ==> |
what are you drink or smoke for come up with this algorithm of coding....;) | ==> |
do not hurry and do not worry. if really I'm not experienced in these things. I am even can not work with ida ... etc . Only debugger. I think here a lot cool peoples, but they in silence mode. | ==> |
;) | ==> |