Author: psyr3n
Language: C/C++
Upload: 6:11 AM 09/01/2024
Platform Windows
Difficulty: 1.2
Quality: 3.6
Arch: x86
This is my first crackme. A program can be cracked in several ways. Let's see which one you got. Good luck ! B)
flcksr on 7:46 PM 09/11/2024: " strcpy(Str1, "007superspy");" ez
Coti on 6:30 PM 09/13/2024: This should be difficuilty 1
Kafiw on 2:23 PM 09/14/2024: Input the password: Cock OK! Ez patched
purge on 7:00 PM 09/14/2024: 007superspy Uhh, hardcoding the flag isn't very useful you know.
mikeyM on 9:45 PM 09/14/2024: Flag cracked, english agent!
just_me_a_guys on 5:06 PM 09/15/2024: easy and good crackme
aldubde on 3:11 PM 09/18/2024: I can't find passwords for zip archives
StillAching on 9:34 PM 09/26/2024: I recommend this for those who just started at native reversing Answer is -- 007superspy
HackHubAfrica on 12:49 PM 09/28/2024: On Sep28 2024 15:47 .I dont why i became excited
iop6 on 1:48 PM 10/06/2024: Very easy, password hardcoded
Mr_Spy on 5:31 AM 10/13/2024: My first ever cracked program, thanks for the learning experience.
0xDDDDD on 12:43 PM 10/20/2024: easy 2 star
vishalkumar2806 on 10:21 AM 10/22/2024: i check the stack and compare where i found str1 with stack address esp + e0 + -6c and str 2 on esp + e0 -d0
Me_Kareem on 8:25 PM 10/23/2024: 007superspy
Rekunzx on 6:28 PM 11/03/2024: How do i add a key to the cracked file?
mehedihacker on 4:11 PM 12/18/2024: answer:007superspy
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