timotei_'s profile

Number of crackmes:


Number of solutions:





Name Author Language Arch Difficulty Quality Platform Date Solution Comments
timotei crackme#12 timotei_ Assembler x86 2.7 5.0 Windows 8:22 PM 08/20/2023 0 11
timotei crackme#11 1K-Edition :-) timotei_ Assembler x86 4.0 3.5 Windows 7:33 PM 08/13/2023 1 8
timotei crackme#10 timotei_ Assembler x86 3.0 4.7 Windows 6:52 PM 07/10/2023 1 6
timotei crackme#9 timotei_ Assembler x86 3.0 5.0 Windows 5:30 PM 06/29/2023 1 7
timotei crackme#8 timotei_ Assembler x86 2.5 4.0 Windows 6:07 PM 06/19/2023 1 4
timotei crackme#7 timotei_ Assembler x86 3.2 4.7 Windows 7:22 PM 05/30/2023 3 3
timotei crackme#6 timotei_ Assembler x86-64 2.0 4.5 Windows 7:47 PM 05/03/2023 2 3
timotei crackme#5 timotei_ Assembler x86-64 2.0 4.5 Windows 6:53 PM 04/18/2023 1 10