MARI0x83 on 12:14 PM 06/18/2023: replaced adress 00007FF71B3A230B with "lea rcx, ds:[0x00007FF71B3B4254]"
timotei_ on 7:22 PM 06/18/2023: Nice crackme, had fun with it! Thanks.
The MD5 of the key is: 07f76385ff987707d0188b805b11d2fb
sh1r0 on 12:52 PM 07/08/2023:, patched
dima_kettle on 10:35 AM 10/24/2023: Help me please understand what's going on. I found the key, it was not very difficult: there is value (that calculate in program) and user key xor 0x1122..2211 ...
I realize it.
But I think I miss something important detail. I can't realize why crackme's name is "Metamorphic"...
Help me please with this snag.
dima_kettle on 9:39 AM 10/25/2023: I figured it out! I am delighted! Simple but interesting! Thank you!
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