nightxyz on 4:46 PM 03/08/2024: 9 characters beginning with capital letter.
2 hours 20 minutes with manual unpacking using x64dbg.
sporta778 on 9:17 PM 03/08/2024: you are ambitious, urine them;))
Rem00n on 4:32 PM 03/09/2024: 10 minutes, it appears in RAX when using Animate into in x64dbg :o
lowercase on 1:02 AM 03/10/2024: @Rem00n nice! you should post a solution
The_Kevin_ on 8:35 AM 03/11/2024: Nice, I take 2 days to bypass that!
test on 4:44 PM 03/11/2024: 1 minute to find correct password and patch to make it accept any
nightxyz on 6:45 PM 03/11/2024: We will see, who will pull the shortest time value out of his ass ? After all, we don't know the truth.
lowercase on 5:55 AM 03/12/2024: @nightxyz yea, 2 hours is believable but 1 minute is kinda sus. you cant just search for strings normally so id highly doubt @test did it in 1 minute
post a solution
daddypenguin on 4:52 PM 03/14/2024: Where does Spongebob live? Great crackme, took like ~10 mins
cnathansmith on 8:24 PM 03/15/2024: 5-10 mins
cnathansmith on 8:26 PM 03/15/2024: Unpack with UPX, break on the size comparison before memcmp, then just check the arguments in rcx and rdx for the one that's not your input
1337ReverseEngineer on 9:57 AM 03/16/2024: Quite easy. Took ~2 hours. No need to even unpack it.
cnathansmith on 3:11 PM 03/16/2024: @1337ReverseEngineer it would've saved you 2 hours
bang1338 on 12:05 AM 03/18/2024: interesting...
justAuser on 4:52 PM 03/20/2024: Love the easy unpacking part. Password: Pineapple
S3cre7Reveal3d on 4:56 PM 03/31/2024: i need help, i get this error when i search IAT.
S3cre7Reveal3d on 9:08 PM 03/31/2024: I did it, I unpacked with UPX and Showed the Flag.
nignog on 5:53 AM 04/02/2024: i just went stepping til RCX and RDX comp
1337 on 11:46 AM 05/02/2024: like 20 mins of staring at ida and then decided to dynamically analyse. Breakpoint at the memcmp call and rcx holds ur input while rdx was the answer nice
navadeep on 1:22 PM 08/08/2024: can any one please explain . whats the UPX and unpacking that you all are talking about . im new here :)
Ja4V8s28Ck on 7:23 AM 09/18/2024: UPX is a program to compress(pack) exe files. This crackme is compressed (packed) using UPX (there are many more to compress and obfuscate exe files). You can identify which program is used to pack or obfuscate using "Detect It Easy" program or anyother of your choice (Read the documentation to know how to pack and unpack programs)
XJ_gout on 2:09 PM 11/01/2024: Pineapple
phucle225 on 5:05 PM 12/21/2024: nop this jnz 0x00007FF7211A1AA0