mohammadali on 11:25 AM 03/22/2021: i patched it here :'s%20Yariza%20crackme%20%231
yariza on 6:18 PM 03/22/2021: @mohammadali good job!
4epuxa on 3:20 PM 03/27/2021: Awesome crackme for newbies
MrNatas on 2:38 AM 04/07/2021: I am a beginner and this was my first level 2 crackme. I was able to see the decrypted password and username by putting a breakpoint on the test that determines if the password is 17 characters or not.
The password is: $2833-15431-51KEY
The username is: crck_me
nanashi on 2:15 AM 06/09/2021: Quite fun to debug.
muha2xmad on 12:30 PM 11/01/2021: Here is the writeup for this crack
Ghos1 on 2:38 PM 06/26/2022: Got my 1st crackme
crck_me - username
$2833-15431-51KEY - License key
Odoragree on 10:21 AM 10/19/2022: lasix 40 mg tablet Sooner or later it will get back to normal, but this may take some time