indigo on 11:40 PM 01/03/2019: To me as a beginner, this was just about the right difficulty. Could probably even be difficulty 1. Definitely fun!
s4r on 8:44 AM 01/04/2019: I modified the difficulty, thanks for the feedback
Tritone on 5:30 PM 01/08/2019: This was a lot of fun as a beginner. Thanks!
mosh on 1:00 PM 01/11/2019: really enjoy it, thank you
ekalien on 12:28 PM 01/14/2019: anybody knows what's the password?
mosh on 5:32 PM 01/15/2019: @ekalien you have solutions on the right
Gifroy on 1:18 PM 01/27/2019: Alright, finally solved it! This was my very first crackme. It took me a good 5 hours to solve but I learned a lot of basics in the progress (including researching x86 assembly, debugging tools etc). Thanks!
zer0sun on 4:45 AM 02/03/2019: 1212121212121212
长度是16个字符串,并且从offset 0开始的每2个字符串差1
tanmaybhushan on 8:11 PM 02/12/2019: *c = char of Rand(0-100)
len = 0
while len
tanmaybhushan on 8:12 PM 02/12/2019: Increment of previous character and length of 16, no place to upload solution.
cIsForCookies on 10:46 PM 02/14/2019: Nice one! was my first try at a crackme and took me about an hour to get a good serial, though I haven't cracked it entirely. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, Thx!
cmasterisk on 9:27 AM 02/16/2019: ./SimpleKeyGen $(python -c 'print "AB"*8')
wirehack7 on 7:12 PM 02/24/2019: What is the password of the archive? It's missing in description
tenghaooo on 11:54 AM 03/07/2019: Who wants to know what the password is, please read FAQ first
Foxar on 3:43 PM 04/04/2019: Quick and easy, perfect for beginners.
Example serial codes:
Sn0kr45h on 2:10 AM 04/30/2019: Thanks for the good puzzle Yuri. It took me about 3 hours to figure out the algorithm without looking at answers. Sometimes the disassemblers make some really funky code, but with debugging and observation the answer becomes pretty apparent with patience. Writing a keygen that works with it was also quite fun and simple.
oscar on 3:40 PM 06/01/2019: Very fun, enjoyed trying to understand the serial checking algorithm. Wish I hadn't read the comments as they kind of spoil it.
ttotons on 8:59 PM 05/07/2020: It was really awesome and fun. This is actually my first crack me. It took me about 25min to get to the right serial keys. Thank you a lot. As this is my first solve I feel very good and happy.:) Btw I used "ghidra" to crack this.
trizas on 8:17 AM 09/22/2020: import string
import random
import time
import os
while True:
chars = string.ascii_letters
key = ""
for i in range(8):
c1 = random.choice(chars)
c2 = chr(ord(c1) + 1)
key += c1 + c2
cmd = "./SimpleKeyGen " + key
trizas on 8:18 AM 09/22/2020: THX Yuri, so good for a begginer, very funny =)
chris.dinozzi on 6:52 PM 04/18/2023: fun crackme :)
PhongNguyenQUang on 4:00 AM 05/28/2023: cdefghijklmnopqr
Turbonator on 11:35 AM 05/12/2024: Pretty easy, certainly not 1.6 but not 1 either, enjoyed a lot :)
SirWardrake on 1:35 AM 05/23/2024: extremely easy
carougeno on 2:53 PM 01/06/2025: Quite funny and enjoyable for a first try on crackmes !