thebovl's profile

Number of crackmes:


Number of solutions:





Name Author Language Arch Difficulty Quality Platform Date Solution Comments
GPTCrackMe thebovl C/C++ x86-64 4.0 4.0 Windows 8:17 AM 08/30/2023 1 8
Dll injection thebovl .NET x86-64 4.0 4.5 Windows 7:52 AM 05/20/2023 2 17
[Fixed] CrackMe like a wannacry thebovl .NET x86-64 4.0 4.0 Windows 7:39 AM 05/09/2023 1 2
[Modifed] Crackme like a Petya ransomware thebovl .NET x86-64 5.5 5.3 Windows 2:05 PM 04/21/2023 1 12
crackme like a Petya Ransomware thebovl .NET x86-64 4.0 4.0 Windows 8:30 AM 04/08/2023 0 0
Jeda thebovl .NET x86-64 4.0 3.2 Windows 11:24 AM 04/01/2023 1 6
heheCrackmeLOL thebovl .NET x86-64 1.0 3.4 Windows 7:30 AM 03/24/2023 0 17
Very easy crackme thebovl .NET x86-64 1.0 2.8 Windows 5:52 PM 03/11/2023 0 17