pavler3 |
0x0 - The Theory
You need to bypass all the obfuscated parts. After that, you will find here the validate function:
00401816 | 55 | push ebp
You need to skip a little more of the whole obfuscated code and then you'll see the validation
If the user typed had lowercase char
00401D38 | 803C0A 61 | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],61
00401D8E | 803C0A 7A | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],7A
It should be increased by one
00401E12 | FEC0 | inc al
If the user typed has an uppercase char
00401E62 | 803C0A 41 | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],41
00401EB2 | 803C0A 5A | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],5A
It should be decreased by one
00401F3C | FEC8 | dec al
As it only accepts letters, it will only work for a range from aA-zZ.
0x1 - Valid User x Pass
User name:movalzeroxone
0x2 - Keygen
Here is my keygen ;)
user = input("Type your username: ")
generated_password = ""
for x in user:
if ord(x) = 65 and ord(x) |