Kolzy on 3:42 PM 08/11/2023: I don't know If this is intended but If you type the same username and password it says you are: "Correct!"
Kolzy on 5:27 PM 08/11/2023: Edit: I noticed that you only encrypt the letters, you forgot the numbers and special characters. If the username and password have the same length and are identical (numbers or special characters) it appears as correct.
fcyc on 8:27 AM 08/16/2023: Well, thanks to the previous commenters, I didn't know what to say before seeing your comments, because I just opened the program, and tried typing aaa, bbb, and got "Correct!". confused :)
bang1338 on 8:35 AM 08/17/2023: i found out why, but i can't so solution because vmp
pavler on 11:46 AM 08/17/2023: there no vmp, only obfuscation like in vmp
moval0x1 on 2:21 AM 10/03/2023: I just submitted my solution with a python keygen; hope you accept it ;)
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Solution by moval0x1: 0x0 - The Theory
You need to bypass all the obfuscated parts. After that, you will find here the validate function:
00401816 | 55 | push ebp
You need to skip a little more of the whole obfuscated code and then you'll see the validation
If the user typed had lowercase char
00401D38 | 803C0A 61 | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],61
00401D8E | 803C0A 7A | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],7A
It should be increased by one
00401E12 | FEC0 | inc al
If the user typed has an uppercase char
00401E62 | 803C0A 41 | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],41
00401EB2 | 803C0A 5A | cmp byte ptr ds:[edx+ecx],5A
It should be decreased by one
00401F3C | FEC8 | dec al
As it only accepts letters, it will only work for a range from aA-zZ.
0x1 - Valid User x Pass
User name:movalzeroxone
0x2 - Keygen
Here is my keygen ;)
user = input("Type your username: ")
generated_password = ""
for x in user:
if ord(x) = 65 and ord(x)