Password: T8h92cxq |
==> |
password: Colby57LoveAd42!42rv45462ZZZZZZX3451900101010
@JMac2, check xmm registers while debugging the program, there is the magic |
==> |
Username : ABCDEF
Password : BEFEFC |
==> |
flag{Danof4edx_flag} |
==> |
Username: GodworthDestroyor1822
Password: lopecart192password12356#6969 |
==> |
==> |
17899327 |
==> |
Well, your answer is password or anything after it like password123456 or passwordasdfg |
==> |
VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgY29ycmVjdCBwYXNza2V5LCB3ZWxsIGRvbmUh |
==> |
Very awesome challenge. You can solve this via 3 ways:
- using x32 debugger
- patching the binary after cmp instruction
- well injecting asm into the binary to display the password |
==> |
user: test
password: 1792 |
==> |
Name: anything [any string]
Serial: YW55dGhpbmc= [base64 the Name] |
==> |
There are 2 ways to solve this crackme. Here is my way to solve this:
1 - username: crack // input less than 8 chars
password: crack@fsociety
2 - username: malfunction // input greater than 8 chars
password: Mr.malfunction |
==> |
8510 |
==> |
FLAG{ThisShouldNotBeHard} |
==> |
2f13sgdf45fgh6f5g |
==> |