BlackWolfJR on 10:04 PM 09/30/2024: password is 5AWAVAUATUSH2
BlackWolfJR on 10:11 PM 09/30/2024: the inputed password is sequentially added (character by character) to a pre-defined string in the program which then results in an encrypted password, if the encrypted password matches the string "V|za{a{c}vzsr" (correct encrypted password) it means the password is right.
alxxx on 8:56 AM 10/18/2024: sha512{358093a56744f53a31ede5a4a542e3e36576763d50664ab647ff9ada6df76faee6dfb9c86684a616cb02d25d4e98ab886f8f51904eb1884ed46704a9aebf5b46}
jonas231205 on 7:26 PM 10/20/2024: seeing the string .rdata:0000000140004488 0000000E C V|za{a{c}vzsr
linked to the if function, that decide if or not condition.
i fast see it was encrypted and uncrypted.
junfer001 on 8:38 AM 10/27/2024: yep 5AWAVAUATUSH2
From ascii of encrypted pasword V|za{a{c}vzsr deduct ascii of the hardcoded string !;# % &\")!'+@ (\ is not a part of the string its just saying not to end the string yet)
It was a hard one for a noob like me. Chatgpt and python helped xD
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