alxxx on 11:17 AM 05/15/2024: Very nice crackmes. *009*00000
SirWardrake on 12:59 AM 05/16/2024: @alxxx: Nope, wrong password ;-)
Extremely easy crackme.
mikky on 6:31 PM 05/16/2024: Nice to relax :10 chars =pass len ,a valids one: 1***9*****
alxxx on 10:10 AM 05/18/2024: @SirWardrake: My password is correct. The 2 * are secret ;)
baba_yaga on 11:21 AM 05/23/2024: is it okay that i didnot find the password but i bypass the incorrect logic by changing the condition of compare and make it always true leading to teh correct block
cnathansmith on 7:36 PM 05/24/2024: @baba_yaga That's not cracking, that's patching, which defeats the point of most of these challenges
ezman on 9:07 PM 05/25/2024: trying to get into crackmes again, this was nice.
Dhiraj on 8:29 AM 06/05/2024: tip index starts with 0 , so 4 index value will be 5th place
hashbrown on 2:24 AM 06/15/2024: a bit new to the whole reverse engineering thing, but Ghidra, some knowledge of hex to dec, and the walkthrough helped me understand more. here's to learning and growing!
FakeVap0ur on 9:35 AM 07/19/2024: Amazing Crackme, try to use Ghidra
Alxzxz on 7:01 PM 08/10/2024: Im beginng in cracks so i found this crackme not difficult because once i understand it its pretty easy but i was really confused reading C in this format (using ghidra)
hockey on 8:13 AM 08/31/2024: 1xxx9xxxxx where x == any char
RafaelGFreveng on 3:30 AM 10/21/2024: Cool and chill crackme
att1cg0bl1n on 11:55 PM 10/21/2024: fun and easy crackme.
Shun on 1:06 PM 12/27/2024: How can I submit a solution?
Shun on 1:46 PM 12/27/2024: nvm, just found out how