allmine on 3:15 PM 01/25/2024: solved
mArLoN on 1:26 PM 01/28/2024: Is it supposed to close when you got the right key?
kestas69 on 8:47 PM 03/03/2024: pass is chosen from a few variants on startup
cloudyfaithful on 8:46 AM 03/14/2024: 5 mins, just patched, put in a solution
Anonymous91 on 3:01 AM 06/07/2024: Very Easy!!! Solved in 2 minutes
inturnet on 1:21 AM 08/23/2024: picking serial using random device and writing it to a linked list? I was able to find the serial in memory but I'm still not entirely sure how it all even works but it was a good challenge and I'll come back to this program for sure.
fb1 on 5:30 AM 08/23/2024: Strange crackme, I don't know how the key is generated, I would like to make a keygen to this