pranav on 5:12 AM 01/20/2021: It would be better to have the program in english...
Fireman7 on 11:28 PM 01/20/2021: Quite clever but easy:)
Passowrd: 19082004
juansacco on 2:56 PM 01/22/2021: nice! 19082004
yksuh on 8:52 AM 01/25/2021: 19082004
Aleksandr on 4:34 PM 01/27/2021: 19082004
bbangg on 5:34 AM 01/29/2021: mov [ebp+var_4], 1232B14h - 19082004
mohammadali on 1:58 PM 01/29/2021: i guess why to find the password if the purpose is to crack it, i patched the last assembly line in before the if statement
just replace the jnz with jz and type whatever you want and you will be in :)
CooperTest on 2:04 PM 02/05/2021: Henri Cartier-Bresson?
cylian91 on 10:05 AM 02/08/2021: what is the passwoed for the extraction ?
doloopy on 10:27 AM 02/10/2021: TY
user_name on 4:23 PM 02/17/2021: long way to do it: ghidra
joeetaks on 7:53 PM 02/21/2021: um so the file is encrypted don't know if it's part of the crack me ? But if it's not what's the password. I'm just trying to unzip de file lmao.
mohammadali on 10:47 AM 03/02/2021: i would love to see your work in English next time !!! :)
vhnc0w on 11:01 PM 03/04/2021: pw: 19082004
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk on 7:33 PM 03/15/2021: hey i want to know what are we supposed to do help!!!!!!!
hubonelove on 2:44 PM 03/21/2021: 19082004
nxmxrly on 5:34 AM 03/25/2021: thx for task 19082004
lokman93 on 10:48 PM 04/08/2021: Hi, sorry, what is the password for this file?
m4syuka on 10:08 AM 04/16/2021: 19082004
MrEmpy on 4:31 PM 05/18/2021: "True !!". Thanks
kcalbCube on 2:39 PM 08/06/2021: Good! 19082004.
Danofred on 9:20 PM 02/19/2022: good password bros !!!
adenosinetp10 on 6:59 AM 02/27/2022: 19082004
It was in hex , so need to convert to base 10 then try to enter the password.
askuytr78 on 4:14 PM 03/22/2022: lol ez
Fhelipx on 2:12 AM 04/22/2022: Nice crackme, your crackmes are teaching me alot.
bernas198YT on 11:33 PM 01/04/2025: 00401347- cmp eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
Nice crackme the password is: 19082004