Author: nutcake
Language: C/C++
Upload: 4:14 AM 12/13/2018
Platform Unix/linux etc.
Difficulty: 1.0
Quality: 3.7
Arch: x86-64
Calling it "Piece of cake" would be too harsh.
xscorp on 5:54 PM 12/22/2018: Thank you for such a good executable. I just started out with crackmes but was afraid of trying a box, just solved it in seconds. Thank you! :-)
Yuri on 11:33 AM 12/25/2018: Was a easy crackme
Antricks on 12:03 AM 01/03/2019: Am I to dumb or what about that password for even unzipping the file?
Antricks on 12:06 AM 01/03/2019: Allright I'm dumb, just checked the FAQ, poblem solved xD
Uzernem on 2:42 PM 01/05/2019: It was easy, thanks.
mosh on 6:10 PM 01/15/2019: really enjoy it, thank you
Sm03leBr00t on 8:40 PM 02/26/2019: Great one for beginners! Please keep posting some off thoose :)
joshuagollaher on 9:02 PM 05/04/2019: Am I being dumb? Using "easy" tells me it failed.
shiningwhitetee on 11:02 AM 05/09/2019: This was really easy, thank you, good for beginners like me!
js-on on 12:14 PM 05/31/2020: Nice one.
tynkute on 1:04 PM 10/18/2020: whOp, whOp, ltrace police already here
Ajmappas on 7:28 AM 08/24/2021: Very fun and easy!
You must me logged to submit a solution
Solution by bahha:Indeed, pretty easy !
Solution by xscorp:
Solution by Yuri:Easy Crackme. Solution contains description, source code, and commented assembly.
Solution by calo:Solution and steps in the comments preceding the code, the rest is a rewrite of the challenge. I hope this answer format is okay!
Solution by swarren:Yup, nice and easy.
Solution by 4rr4y:
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