the flag is in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The cross of Mlandege rd and Karume rd. |
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Well , the pass was easy, there is a direct comparision "theddbbiebcddiaiddgaheatddfahaeacddtheddtaeaf" )))) |
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Hey guys, but you really "cracked this shit? " because for now I still trying to get this 9 characters that have tu result in f9b9b765 after xor each character and multiply the result to 1000193 nine times)). For now just made a brute force app searching by the formula above)) |
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a valid key would be for example : "A33X333X333" or "AdfXrfrXsds" , the only thing that matters is that it have to have the format "xxxXxxxXxxx" and the first have to be "A" so "AxxXxxxXxxx" would be valid also. And for some reason you have to introduce it 3 times before you get the password. It is exactly the same as the previous bu with "X" instead of "-". No obfuscation detected )) |
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a valid key would be for example : "A33-333-333" or "Adf-rfr-sds" , the only thing that matters is that it have to have the format "xxx-xxx-xxx" and the first have to be "A" so "Axx-xxx-xxx" would be valid also. And for some reason you have to introduce it 3 times before you get the password |
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Quite easy. The valid key would be "t123-" , and the only thing that matters is the "t" and the "-" can be until 9 characters total, for example "t123-4567" or "t435-ftgr" or "tgth-" etc... |
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with dnspy 5 seconds |
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Tryed to post the solution but couldn't, don't know why. Replace 6 bytes with nop on 7ff6f7c36be4 |
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password: 00FF43313 |
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Not really understand, the serial is different each time the program runs... |
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