Literally very easy. Just c+p from ida to your IDE. example in c++: keygen:
void funczxc()
char v23;
int v22;
std::string name;
std::string key;
std::cout name;
if (!name.empty())
if (name.length() key;
std::string v21;
std::string copy_of__name;
std::string v19;
copy_of__name = name;
while (copy_of__name.length() 1) ^ (4 * j);
while (v22 90)
v22 = v22 - 2 * j - 9;
if (v22 57)
v22 = v22 - 2 * j - 10;
while (v22 57 && v22 \t" |
==> |
Literally easy. Juct c+p from ida to ide.
cpp -
char number;
while (true)
std::cin number;
int v3;
if (~(number & 0xF ^ ~number & 0xF0) + (number 0x80u))
v3 = (number (number & 0xF));
std::cout |
==> |