aname on 9:37 AM 12/12/2024: has multiple passwords for admin check and auth both all. routine is simple but point is that only even numbers is concated in last part.
Spectrum696 on 6:35 PM 12/17/2024: I managed to crack it with notepad++ lol. Good Crack Me
moreveal on 7:59 PM 01/03/2025: At first I was surprised that the binary is compiled in debug (I understood it that way), but in reality it doesn't help much in crackme solution, if you do it the way the developer intended and not bypass checks, etc.
All in all, quite interesting, but it could be made even more complicated by applying some protection techniques
I got the password by making this script:
iaakanshff on 6:35 PM 01/05/2025: does patching counts as cheating ? cause i did it for username and techincal_thinks check !
marci1175 on 2:18 PM 01/18/2025: I either dont get the point of this crackme or the quality is subpar. I could easily bypass every check in like an hour but looking back it couldve been as little as a minute.
chinookcrate on 11:23 PM 02/22/2025: Not sure if patching counts, however, I found a check that contains a jnz that calls auth failed, nop'd it and called auth successful.