Author: Zenton
Language: C/C++
Upload: 4:46 PM 11/24/2024
Platform Windows
Difficulty: 1.3
Quality: 4.3
Arch: x86-64
A simple CrackMe that requires reversing a password check to find the correct password.
aname on 5:08 PM 12/15/2024: it just compare with string
shameq on 2:48 AM 01/03/2025: Great crackme for beginners
bernas198YT on 6:36 PM 01/05/2025: Password: secret123 to patch the program change "JNE" to "JE"
Bogdan123123 on 10:36 AM 01/10/2025: password zip?
fakhri on 9:13 AM 01/11/2025: What is the zip password?
Kxnwn on 11:07 AM 01/11/2025: Bro how i can't do it im new haha
basmannetjeee on 11:41 PM 02/03/2025: I spent way too long reversing the wrong things only to pop open sub_7FF633DF4860 and... plaintext lmfao
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