Author: lovnzb08
Language: .NET
Upload: 8:10 PM 11/07/2024
Platform Windows
Difficulty: 1.0
Quality: 3.0
Arch: x86-64
jewdev on 12:58 AM 11/22/2024: no protection at all. string text = "sifreyok"; if (this.txtKey.Text == text) { MessageBox.Show("giris basarili"); return; } MessageBox.Show("giris basarisiz");
coqee on 6:10 PM 11/24/2024: sifreyok
Mart111n on 8:48 PM 11/25/2024: great crack me for ones learning dnspy
kugel on 8:08 PM 12/05/2024: i didnt notice that it was made with .NET, and i still cracked it lmao
camt123921931 on 9:29 PM 12/05/2024: password?
EgorX10 on 8:23 AM 12/07/2024: Use dnSpy for debugging. Search for "giris basarizis" to find the pass
g1aze on 5:25 PM 12/08/2024: what is password?)
suce on 10:42 AM 12/11/2024: sifreyok
hsmidi on 3:52 PM 12/11/2024: sifreyok
DanielDev on 8:12 PM 12/11/2024: Password : sifreyok
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