jewdev on 4:29 PM 09/11/2024: keygen in c#:
example output:
Username: jewdev
Generated License Key: 8747069700946550E729
expl0itr on 6:25 PM 09/11/2024: Well done, jewdev! Could you elaborate on how you reached the last layer?
jewdev on 12:48 PM 09/14/2024: unfortunately, i did it manually while debugging in dnspy.
expl0itr on 7:41 PM 09/16/2024: I see. Feel free to upload a whole solution.
n3rdl0rd on 11:27 PM 09/24/2024: Neat little concept, but it did get boring at the 3rd layer... If you were to make something similar in the future, try adding encryption or some twist or turn at each layer to make it a bit harder to dive directly into. `binwalk` worked wayyyy too well!
StillAching on 5:41 AM 09/25/2024: I liked the idea a lot, you should increase the difficulty as we progress through the layers!
Username: StillAching
expl0itr on 7:59 AM 09/25/2024: Thanks for the feedback, guys! This crackme was just a quick smoke test to see how well it's received. The next one will be way more convoluted!
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Solution by n3rdl0rd: All information in Images provided. Archive is passwordless, it's just images and text.