Author: bxplode
Language: C/C++
Upload: 2:11 PM 08/03/2024
Platform Windows
Difficulty: 2.2
Quality: 5.0
Arch: x86-64
github: bxtumation/crackme
mr.penis on 2:36 PM 08/25/2024: CORRECT KEY!! jz jnz
anonyninez on 9:10 PM 08/25/2024: 553
Crabe on 4:19 AM 09/06/2024: Fuck u for the trap (that was good thx bro)
x64hesa on 12:46 PM 09/06/2024: Nice crackme!
pocionista on 5:31 PM 10/01/2024: could anyone place a solution?
0xDDDDD on 2:07 PM 10/20/2024: jump condition
junfer001 on 6:34 PM 10/26/2024: Maybe its just my inexperiance (only solved 3 crackmes on the page), but is it ok that i allways default to finding test condition and turn them around? I feel like im missing out alot on other tehniques
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Solution by Benbaby:Good one. Thanks Bro.
Solution by RelationalAlgebra:By A. S. Ahmann; GitHub portfolio: @Alekseyyy
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