Author: Mamilate1
Language: C/C++
Upload: 1:51 PM 04/10/2024
Platform Windows
Difficulty: 1.6
Quality: 2.6
Arch: x86-64
It is my first crackme and I wanted to make it very easy for beginners, enjoy :)
CemoJR on 11:56 AM 04/17/2024: V6 = 1234 if(V5 == V6) { puts("You cracked it") } else { puts("You are close :)") }
Andrey681232 on 12:17 PM 05/05/2024: With Ghidra, you can easily crack it one minute. But with x64dbg it's really painful too crack.
zyzzvfx on 11:24 AM 05/07/2024: what are you talking about? Using x64dbg took me 1 minute
Mirion on 11:45 AM 05/07/2024: A very easy crackme int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { char v4[4]; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-Ch] BYREF int v5; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h] BYREF int v6; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h] _main(argc, argv, envp); v6 = 1234; printf("Please enter the password: "); scanf("%d", &v5); if ( v6 == v5 ) { puts("You cracked it!"); puts("You cracked it!"); puts("You cracked it!"); puts("You cracked it!"); puts("You cracked it!"); printf("Press enter to exit: "); scanf("%d", v4); } else { printf("You are close :)"); } return 0; }
m4syuka on 7:04 PM 07/05/2024: pass 1234
Tut on 9:38 AM 07/27/2024: Very easy
lsca on 8:56 AM 08/16/2024: Find 4d2h :))
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