GhostmaneX on 11:57 AM 01/05/2024: This is the key - 116110120122112114122112112118
i have put an breakpoint where the cmp is, { cmp esi, dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x48] }
bingies on 5:41 PM 01/05/2024: Note: User string length must be equal to 0x1e
dev0 on 9:17 PM 01/05/2024: @GhostmaneX That key works because the result from running "vol c:" on your machine is probably "Volume Serial Number is B628-C8A2"
Burtson on 4:26 PM 01/06/2024: not really hard, for a beginner like me, it took about 20-35 minutes!
obada8 on 3:36 AM 01/10/2024: I'm begginner in this and this is my first ever crack me solver lol and i solve it, by change address 007A1834 to je
and address 007A1854 to jmp
blockslesson on 2:42 PM 01/11/2024: key length is 24 get key python code :
key = ''
for i in UUID:
key += str((i*2)+110)
justAuser on 9:34 AM 03/09/2024: @blocklesson - how did you get to that algo? I searched for it and could not find it.
Keep on 7:53 PM 07/23/2024: not possible using dnspy or x32 dbg btw
mr.penis on 7:48 PM 08/26/2024: 112128112116120128116116120112
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