RedVi on 1:45 AM 09/18/2023: private bool CheckPassword(string password)
int num = 0;
bool result;
string @string;
if (num == 1)
num = 2;
if (num == 2)
result = password.Equals(@string);
num = 3;
if (num == 3)
if (num == 0)
num = 1;
while (num != 4);
return result;
TimLiz on 7:11 PM 09/24/2023: Malware
manhcot on 3:10 AM 10/14/2023: 0100011001010010010001010100010101001101010000010101001101001111010011100101001001011001
You must me logged to submit a solution
Solution by cnathansmith: Simple walkthrough using dnSpy
Solution by bang1338: A writeup of my process and solution.
In zip file contain:
- Bunch of image instead hosted on Discord
- a markdown, which is my writeup and solution. Require a GitHub-like markdown reader like Markdown Monster
- A Python script to solve, require Python 3.x