nightxyz on 9:20 AM 09/02/2023: brb{stair_ret_way_to_heaven}
Muzozavr on 6:13 PM 09/03/2023: Commenting to make a bookmark for myself. (Other comment may or may not be a spoiler. Not looking.)
JonaSon on 6:54 AM 09/13/2023: Great challenge =)). As I still haven't figured out the path
jeffli6789 on 1:22 PM 09/22/2023: Same idea as
Panja on 10:40 AM 10/02/2023: Pretty simple to crack (just edit jumps to "Nop!" functions to "Good job!" function, but I didn't find the password.
dima_kettle on 3:06 PM 10/15/2023: Thank you for that exciting crackme!
I agree with @nightxyz. I have some questions about this task. Help me please find the answer: are 32-bit instructions used together with 64-bit ones?
I think there are (as minimum) 2 such instruction: inc edx (0x42) and inc esi (0x46) in function with checking password validation.
Provide please a link to materials on this topic.
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