sxskey on 12:22 PM 10/03/2023: im not able to find the enter username input or anything to use to figure this out anyone got an explanation or a solution I'm using ghidra
shallzy on 11:42 AM 10/04/2023: Username: admin
Password: C0pl3x
CynicRus on 2:21 PM 10/06/2023: For solution, just open it in IDA Pro-)
samir3216 on 2:21 AM 10/12/2023: I've unlocked the password using ghidra,this is kinda of the source code where the username and password is at
void FUN_140001290(void)
undefined auVar1 [16];
undefined auVar2 [16];
undefined *puVar3;
ulonglong uVar4;
undefined *puVar5;
ulonglong uVar6;
int iVar7;
undefined *puVar8;
longlong *plVar9;
char *pcVar10;
undefined auStack_78 [32];
undefined local_58 [16];
longlong local_48;
ulonglong local_40;
undefined local_38 [16];
longlong local_28;
ulonglong local_20;
ulonglong local_18;
local_18 = DAT_140005010 ^ (ulonglong)auStack_78;
local_48 = 0;
local_40 = 0xf;
local_58._1_15_ = SUB1615(ZEXT816(0),1);
auVar1[15] = 0;
auVar1._0_15_ = local_58._1_15_;
local_58 = auVar1