blueRedGreen on 6:17 AM 06/29/2022: Good challenge, debugging makes it easier to solve
NotKlairm on 4:04 PM 07/05/2022: very cool, shame that I'm not good in encryption so can't finish this one, but it was fun the try
expl0itr on 5:01 PM 07/11/2022: Nice CrackMe. Enjoyed solving it.
hdbg on 9:12 PM 07/14/2022: Am I the only one who gets "Unable to acquire crypto context." ?
kly on 9:27 PM 09/15/2022: very interesting, involves encryption and both key and flag are not stored in plain text, i like it :) solved.
ux on 4:54 PM 10/11/2022: "IV is not meaningful for the ECB mode" according to Python, and indeed it appears useless since I was able to decipher the key without it.
interrrp on 2:50 PM 07/10/2023: nice, i like how the exe is basically just a loader for the ELF
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Solution by expl0itr: I patched the Windows executable to determine the flag.