rrenamed on 4:17 PM 05/31/2022: It's funny that you call simple process name scanner(not even a loop) an "anti debugger".
[!] SPOILER [!]
RVA char comparing: D68F
Pass: asddassdadsa
[!] SPOILER [!]
heysurfer on 11:50 AM 06/01/2022: its easy, i can't pack exe crackme have mb limit
dedicated on 8:24 PM 06/01/2022: just had ida open and this shit says it stole all my info :skull:
rrenamed on 9:49 PM 06/01/2022: Don't worry, it didn't. It's just genious move form genious dev. You can simply rename your ida.exe to anything and it won't detect it anymore.
PolyProxy on 2:42 PM 06/16/2022: Any solution for this? Decompiled this and I only see a bunch of gibberish.
1337ReverseEngineer on 2:23 PM 07/20/2022: Very easy antidebug. You can remove the whole antidebug
by nopping 6 bytes at unpackme_patch.exe:$43CB.
Why is there bunch of useless instructions that do not make it harder to reverse?
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