juansacco on 9:59 AM 11/25/2020: Username: Nick
password: 4ACE00F
Unix6 on 2:41 PM 12/05/2020: Windows defender mark the exe file as a trojan...
Antipindoc on 12:08 AM 12/09/2020: Cool crackme! I simply used HxD and looked at the section where the password and user would be stored and guessed correctly.
blinciki on 12:18 PM 12/20/2020: windows defender marked this program as trojan Wacatac.D7!ml
nxmxrly on 6:55 AM 03/25/2021: basic . Find in Strings : Nick and 4ACE00F
predictorhumble on 11:26 AM 01/16/2022: Nice crackme for beginners. The debugging code threw me for a minute or two though but it was a good way to figure out what I can ignore and what I couldn't
mishka on 6:52 PM 04/09/2023: im new to this, how do i get the password to even extract the file?
0xh3xa on 9:52 PM 05/02/2024: Username: Nick
password: 4ACE00F
4HM33D on 8:56 PM 05/14/2024: Username Nick
Password 4ACE00F
pechenka on 9:15 AM 11/06/2024: what about functions after push the creds into the stack? (sorry for my English)
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Solution by noobi: My first try on crackme and first solution. :)