0d1n on 3:35 PM 12/26/2019: very easy, Just jumped from 0x0000087cto 0x00000869;
0x:~/Desktop# ./xordemo
Need exactly one argument.
0x:~/Desktop# ./xordemo test
0x:~/Desktop# ./xordemo testinvalid
def00x on 3:52 PM 12/29/2019: I found the hex of 'bigbeef1' and 0x20a170c050a1410 ... the first XOR SECRET_PWD should XOR to the latter hex... there is a logic with a counter there... tried a few things with no luck...
Any ideas on this one...?
tiencong283 on 4:03 PM 12/29/2019: It should be marked as level 1
def00x on 5:57 PM 12/29/2019: Why rungirl3 still fails???
def00x on 8:35 PM 12/29/2019: yeap.. found it... rungirl34 :)
Verideth on 5:58 AM 12/31/2019: Awesome crackme! Did a bit of learning :-)
vikasgola2015 on 7:38 PM 01/30/2020: could someone help me how did you get the solution?
I tried
b = bytearray.fromhex('020a170c050a1410')
a = bytearray.fromhex('3166656562646162')
ai = bytearray()
for i in range(8):
ai += bytes([a[i]+i])
aib = bytearray()
for i in range(8):
aib += bytes([ai[i]^b[i]])
flag = bytearray()
for i in range(8):
flag += bytes([aib[i]-i])
but no luck :-(
Am I doing something wrong?
jimsktsmith on 4:35 PM 02/05/2022: key : rungirl34
You must me logged to submit a solution
Solution by zerophym: It contains information needed and python script to solve the problem.